
11 Greatest Shakespeare Plays You Must Read

Shakespeare Plays You Must Read
The ever known and famous William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was the Greatest English poet, playwright and actor. Oftentimes he is also called as “Bard of Avon” and England’s national poet. His well-founded work included 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems and various other jingles. His writing has affected every generation of writers; few of them are John Keats, George Bernard Shaw, etc. His phrases have been used by many authors as the titles for their novels, some of these novels are Brave new world, The undiscovered country, The dogs of war and many more. If you are a literature lover, then here are some books to get a fair understanding of Shakespeare’s work.

Othello [Kindle Edition]

Othello [Kindle Edition]

(By: William Shakespeare )

This book carries some lovely tales and quotes in it. Some wonderful characters of this novel are Desdemona, and Brabantio. The play outlines a tragedy in the best possible manner. The play is incredible and it is available as an eBook also. The book name is kept upon its main character name who is a black soldier and the play revolves around this soldier, his wife, his two friends and one of the friend’s wives. This story is about jealousy and manipulation.

King Lear (Illustrated)

King Lear (Illustrated)

(By: William Shakespeare )

This book is appreciated as one of the most delicate play ever written. The tragedy demonstrates unconditional love, self realization and abandonment. The play revolves around a king, his daughters and his empire. The play represents some crucial aspects of human nature that can be seen in an unseen manner in today’s life. It is thrilled with emotions and actions of real life and the end is very unexpected.

The Taming of the Shrew (Bantam Classic)

The Taming of the Shrew (Bantam Classic)

(By: William Shakespeare )

This play is a very popular one; it is full of comedy, action and has a fast pace. The story is entertaining and funny. The characters of this play are Katharina, Bianca, and Petruchio. The story is full of comedy and sexy phrases in which the two sisters Katharina and Bianca play the lead role. Bianca the little sister with her lover tries to woo Katharina for marriage and makes clever plan in the play. This play is a laughing exercise.

Twelfth Night, Or what you will

Twelfth Night, Or what you will

(By: William Shakespeare )

This play is full of romantic confusion and comic tale. The story is about a brother Sebastian and his sister Viola. Viola is the main character in this play and she tries to find his brother who got lost in a shipwreck. Viola maintains herself in a man's identity to find his brother, in between a girl Olivia falls in love with her. Then the comedy of mistaken identity starts. This play is an enjoyable book to read.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

(By: William Shakespeare )

This story is about Political misbelievers, ideas and political interests. It represents the Roman politics and the assassination of one of the lead political character Caesar. The tragedy is thrilling and a must read. The play revolves around only four major characters which makes it easy to understand and enjoyable. In its major tragedy, Caesar is assassinated by the other two characters Cassius and Brutus. After that, another character Mark Antony, Caesar’s loyal, come in to the main role and represents himself as a powerful and intelligent character. He ends up turning the mob against the assassins of Caesar.

King Richard III

King Richard III

(By: William Shakespeare )

Richard is the main character in this play, he is the duke of Gloucester and dedicated to gain the crown of England. He is unhesitating in removing every person whosoever comes in between him and the crown. The story is full of action, heroism and ruthlessness. The other characters of play are King Edward IV, Elizabeth, and Henry Tudor. It represents the ancient determination of a king and the people of the empire who try to get the power and wealth.



(By: William Shakespeare )

This play is a remarkable one, shorter to read and the story is well centralized around its main character. The tragedy revolves around a kingdom and the determination of the main character to get that that kingdom. The main characters are Macbeth and his wife, Macduff and Malcolm. The story is enjoyable and interesting, it tells about a man's greed. However, in the end the story finishes in an expected way, which is good and non-confusing for the reader.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

(By: William Shakespeare )

This one is the most popular comedy play. The play is good for children; it is based upon love and its complications. The story is about four lovers and the love quadrangle developed between them. The story tells that love is mad, confusing, disappointing and crazy. The story also revolves around a forest which is filled with fairies and there falling in love makes fools of the characters.

King Henry V

King Henry V

(By: William Shakespeare )

This play is a dramatization of historical material; the story revolves around the rivalry of two kings of England and France. The main character Henry shows courage and leadership in battle and keeps a will to rule the kingdom. The characters are plotted very well in this play. The end of the play is a promising one where Henry gets married with the French Princess Katherine and their marriage founded a bond between England and France.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

(By: William Shakespeare )

This is one of the most popular plays of all time, a perfect example of love and affection. The play is immortal and speaks about an appealing love story which got doomed. The courage of Juliet is remarkable where she defies the world and made plans to marry Romeo in secret. The story represents affection of truth and dare love where the character's role is heart touching. This is a must read and highly recommended book of all time



(By: William Shakespeare )

This book is undoubtedly the best literature work of all time. The main character Hamlet, prince of Denmark is shown as a prolonged action taker but rash in attitude. The story is very much interesting and catching. There is a scene in play where a play is played and becomes the turning point of the story. At some part, the main character is also shown as confused about his love, which leads to the death of his lover. The play keeps the reader involved until the very end.

Shakespeare is one of the best writers the world has ever seen. The depth and thrill offered by his plays cannot be matched. Every reader is bound to fall in love with his writing and story depiction skills.

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