
6 Books That’ll Help You Develop Your Overall Personality

Personal development might seem like a fad, but the truth is we should all continue improving as human beings. No one is perfect and the more you develop your skills, character and emotional intelligence, the more fun you’ll have in life.

One of the easiest ways to delve into personal development is through books. However, there are so many books to read and book lists are an endless joy to a bookworm. So, where do you start with developing your overall personality?

Here are the six books that’ll help you become a better person.

As You Think

As You Think
(By: James Allen )

James Allen’s book is all about the impact of your daily thinking. It’s a great discovery of how you take in information, how you understand concepts and what all this has to do with everything you do during the day.

The book will help you identify how your behaviour impacts everything and what impacts your behaviour. The book is definitely great at changing your thinking and forcing you to challenge your behaviours. It’s one of those books you want to read more than once to ensure you get all the nuggets of information.

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
(By: Chip Heath & Dan Heath )

We all can point a list of things we know must change or which we want to change. You might want to be a better friend, go to the gym more often or start saying ‘yes’ to new things. But to actually change these things is much harder.

The book is perfect for learning more about change and especially about why it can be rather hard to change. Knowing more about what your brain has to go through when the change occurs will help you come up with strategies that lead to better results. Indeed, the book is great at helping you harness the rational and the emotional brain in order to create actual change.

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements
(By: Don Miguel Ruiz )

For a quick and easy read, you should pick of Don Miguel Ruiz’ The Four Agreements. The book is a guide to a happier life without unnecessary restrictions and negative emotions.

You’ll receive a code of conduct of sorts with the book based on those four agreements we should make with ourselves. The book explains the agreements in detail and helps you understand why these specific four statements are needed and indeed, so powerful. If you want a head start, the four agreements are:
  • Be impeccable with your word.
  • Don’t take anything personally.
  • Don’t make assumptions.
  • Always do your best.


(By: John Ratey )

You should also consider harnessing the power of exercise for personal development. Your physical wellbeing is closely tied to your mental health – if you lack in one, you will easily lack in the other. Ratey’s book examines the research in the field and shows how exercise influences your brain, productivity and performance.

After reading this book, you’ll definitely understand the importance of staying active – you’ll never feel that lazy to skip the gym ever again. The book is great for discovering why you should care about your physique and your mind.

Outliers: The Story of Success

Outliers: The Story of Success
(By: Malcolm Gladwell )

Most of us want to be a success. But what is the meaning of success and how do you become successful in life? Malcolm Gladwell will answer these questions with his book Outliers.

The book is a fascinating and rather surprising take on what successful people do and what makes them successful. In addition to these topics, the book offers a fresh perspective because it also explores where successful people are from. What are the backgrounds and journey successful people tend to take? If you want to find your passion and become more satisfied in your life, Outliers is definitely the personal development book you want to read.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
(By: Marie Kondo )

If you’ve followed social media in the past few months, you’ve probably encountered someone talking about the KonMari method. Well, the organising strategy might seem an odd choice for a self-help book, but this strategy is truly revolutionary.

The basic premise of the book is to introduce you to a simple organising idea: you ask yourself whether the item brings joy or not. As you might have guessed, anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness deserves a place in someone else’s house. While the method is great for cleaning up the house, you’ll actually be able to use the method in other areas of your life.

When it comes to shopping books, online stores are great for finding a bargain. You also don’t necessarily have to read the above books – you can also check out Audible and opt for audiobooks instead.

If your love of audiobooks is threatening your wallet, then visit OZCodes and find savings on the best selling audiobooks of all time. Summer is the perfect time for a bit of personal development. So, pick one of the above books – or all of them – and give your overall personality a bit of a boost.
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