
The 10 Functions Breakthroughs In The Science Of Learning

The 10 Functions Breakthroughs In The Science Of Learning

Understanding the functioning of the human brain is the first step of making a successful teaching and learning exercise.

The Science Of Learning

Understanding human functions can be achieved by studying the brain functions, abilities, and limitations. It can be further refined by understanding the individual’s learning sessions so as to make the best use of the optimum time for learning.

Brain functioning and work rate can also be improved through exercises to make the learning process easier. In the science of learning, the following ten breakthroughs provide the insight of teaching-learning process.

More Information Is Not Necessarily More Learning

Our brains don’t accept novel learning since it cannot separate different ideas. Giving more and lump sum information leads to the brain being overwhelmed and therefore not to accept any extra information anymore. 

Discovery of cognitive functioning gives more boost in the teaching-learning exercise since our brains cannot accommodate more information beyond its saturation point. To make the learning exercise effective, the teacher, therefore, needs to reduce mental noise by using some new approaches in the teaching-learning process. Some of these new approaches include chunking, that focuses on the past and helps to eliminate elements that are non-essential in the teaching-learning process.

Brain Is A High Dynamic Organ

Human brain and neurons are not fixed but they are in a way as to accommodate new changes to environment regardless of the age and time. The brain does this by growing new neurons to adapt to new situations. This process of neuroplasticity slows with age, but understanding this brain science can be a major boost in the teaching-learning environment.

Emotion Influences The Ability To Learn

Our raw IQ does not play any role in the ability to learn, retaining and using information. The overall state of emotions has a great effect on how best we can learn things that are new. In a classroom situation, an environment where students are stresses, shamed or have any form of being uncomfortable tends to make learning more difficult. 

This is because, when someone is under stress or has high-level anxiety, the brain tends to block access to higher processing and thus stops more connections.

Mistakes Should Be Considered As Apart That Is Essential In Learning

Just like a typical practice where one makes high failures before being able to ride a bike, equally it takes a lot of trials for one to master a concept. Neuroscience research suggests that the best way to learn is to focus on the past failure and correcting errors that may have led to those mistakes. Focusing on these mistakes also serves to reinforce the existing neural pathway that is incorrect thus limiting the chances of that similar mistake being repeated.

Brain Needs Novelty

Boredom creates a negative attitude towards learning since it kills the willpower to learn. Repetition also serves a critical role in the learning process but what brain really craves is a novelty. This uniqueness causes the dopamine in the brain to activate and therefore transferring chemicals throughout the brain. This encourages motivational feelings and therefore prompting learning by the brain.

No Learning Styles

The idea of branding some learners as auditory, visual or kinesthetic has been proved in recent research as void. This was due to the belief that some learners learn best in a certain assortment of some stimuli which is not true according to brain science. Though, some learners have certain preferences for learning but do not really matter.

No Learning Styles

Brain operates on the principle of “use it or lose it”

The brain operates on the principle that whatever is not regularly practiced has high chances of being forgotten than that skill that is regularly practiced. This is due to the weakening of the neural pathways with time as the brain produces more cells than it needs.

The 10 Functions Breakthroughs In the Science Of Learning

Learning Is Social

Though some individuals can manage to learn best in a library using books, most individual’s needs a social environment to maximize their learning. People learn better through socialization, emulating, and recalling the words and actions of another person. Other than these basic social cues, various benefits result from socialization that offers students a diverse array of experience to use in nearly or body senses.

Capitalizing On Innate Abilities Contributes To Best Learning

This is those capabilities that individuals are born with. Utilizing some of these skills at the earlier ages of learning and reinforcing may help kids to learn more and sharpen the kid’s brains. Capitalizing on these skills the right way helps to learn a wide variety of concepts including abstract ones.

Brain Structure Can Be Changed By Learning

Since the brain functions and structure are intertwined, any part can be improved without tampering with the other. During action and perception brain cells fired up can overlap on individuals. On lessons that involve both, it allows easy identification of students together with their teacher to make the learning of concepts quicker.

Written by Benson Johnson, an educational specialist working with writing challenged clients for more than four years now. I normally provide at Dissertation Hub ghost writing, coaching and ghost editing services

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