
10 Best Books On World War 2

10 Best Books On World War 2

World War 2 will forever remain the mainstay of our present history. Its impact left billions of casualties in many countries in the world. It is important for every history student to read and comprehend every aspect of this war including the causes, the participants and the long-term and short-term effects. Various books are known to give the best information about this subject. As a learner, it is your responsibility to utilize every available resource that can help you get enriched with this knowledge. However, this must be your lucky day since we have prepared everything for you. You can also find more history books here.

War and Remembrance

War and Remembrance
(By: Herman Wouk )

Most students feel comfortable reading novels rather than textbooks. The latter seems much boring. Herman Wouk is an author who described the Second World War events through his novel, War, and Remembrance. The author has also crafted another book entitled Winds of War. The two novels are great for history. The two aim at criticizing the cruelty of the main perpetrators of the world war. They make us understand the need for humanity as a means of preventing such future occurrences. The novel is sold at a pocket-friendly price

Once an Eagle

Once an Eagle
(By: Anton Myre )

The topic of this book is such a mind grabber. As a student, you need to have a deeper understanding of the role of army officers in the world war. The book is not only centered on the Second World War but also the First World War It is one of the best given that it offers crucial details one can use for the undergraduate and postgraduate level. It is recommended by most experts including professors. You should therefore not think twice before you purchase it.

Eagle Against the Sun

Eagle Against the Sun
(By: Ronald H. Spector )

America and Japan fought one of the strongest battles in the history of the World War 2. The two put their army and marine soldiers on the battleground and fought against each other in an attempt to stop the war. This book gives a good record of what happened and how it all went down. Detailed information about these events can be sort from this book. You can easily it in the library or the nearest bookshop.

Stilwell and the American Experience in China

Stilwell and the American Experience in China
(By: Barbara W. Tuchman )
Every history student is anxious to know what happened between America and China during the great battle. To become a great historian, you must be willing to read materials that give clear information about the historical event. Stillwell and the American Experience in China is one of the books that will give you all the details you need. The book is written by an experienced author and tries to elaborate event in a clear fashion. It is easily available both online and in most of the libraries. You can purchase one and read it today.

At Dawn We Slept

At Dawn We Slept
(By: Gordon W. Prange , Donald M. Goldstein , Katherine V. Dillon )

The Japanese soldiers were among the first people to invent and use the atomic bomb. This weapon was laid on the Pearl Harbor soil and exploded leaving very many casualties. For a detailed story of the events on how this was planned and its effects, you are strongly advised to get a copy of this book. It will give you a great understanding to help you tackle your history exam and assignments.


(By: Richard B. Frank )

You cannot understand the role played by the Japanese soldiers in stopping this war without having a look at this insightful book. The book is written by Edward Frank, one of the best authors in history. During this period, there was a strong battle in the Guadalcanal region in the Pacific Ocean which left millions of people dead.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb

The Making of the Atomic Bomb
(By: Richard Rhodes )

This book attracts great attention following the need for insight on how the first atomic bomb was made. It explains about the major contributors who took part in making this lethal weapon and the devastating lifetime effects it left on countries such as Japan when it exploded on their soil. Do you year for more information concerning the use of advanced weapons in the course of the big battle? If yes, then this book is highly recommended and you can get it on.

With the Old Breed

With the Old Breed
(By: E.B. Sledge )

This is one of the books that offer first-hand information as it was crafted by an author who was also part of the Second World Warfighters. His name is Eugene Sledge. The book gives a clear description of events that took place in the Pacific. The author witnessed the events happen and after the war, he was able to put the information under one book which he gave the above title.

Strong Men Armed

Strong Men Armed
(By: Robert Leckie )

We all know these two are among the big five states in the world. Japan and China felt the greatest impact of the Second World War as they were at the center of it. The USA marine forces and the Japanese soldiers put forces together to help stop the war and their efforts were fruitful. As a student, you can get every detail of the war from this book. For instance, it explains how it all started and why these two countries took the initiative to fight against Germany. It also explains everything that the soldiers went through in the course of the war and how they managed to emerge winners after a long battle.

Utmost Savagery

Utmost Savagery
(By: Joseph H. Alexander )

Joseph Alexander is the author of this book. He also gives firsthand information since he fought in the Tarawa war. He was one of the marine officers who decided to take part in writing about the events that took place. The book gives the detailed account of everything that took places. Currently, it is the best option since other available books only give shallow information on this particular war.


The above-discussed books are among our highly recommended options for students and other professionals. Make sure you skim through each. If you love history, we advise you to check the list of books that were banned.

Jay Mitchel is a school teacher and blogger from Oregon. His favorite topic in history is WWII. Also, he’s a writer and consultant at EWriting Service.
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