
A Brief Guide for Residential Students at the University of Florida

A Brief Guide for Residential Students at the University of Florida

The University of Florida is considered one of the best colleges in the US. It’s even dubbed as the best in the state of Florida. It’s no surprise that many college students, both in the US and abroad, want to attend this well-known university.

For these students, UF is open to giving them safe and healthy accommodations. You can find that the University of Florida dorms can fit every individual’s needs.

Here’s a brief guide on how much they cost and what to expect.

Types of University of Florida Housing

There are several boarding and housing options in UF. These include:

  • Beaty Hall
  • Broward Hall
  • Keys Complex
  • Lakeside Complex
  • Diamond Village
  • Corry Village, and more

Housing for freshmen students is usually different from their upperclassmen. Additionally, UF accommodates even graduate students who are living with their family.

There are traditional University of Florida dorms, apartments, and suites.

Traditional dorms give you the best college experience. You are partnered with a fellow undergrad student. The bathroom, workout areas, and other facilities and amenities are for common use.

Meanwhile, apartments are similar to residential flats outside of the campus. There are bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens that are available for the students’ use. These are typically the choice for graduate students.

Lastly, the suites are typically built for more people. It’s the best choice if you’re going to college with a group of people.

Villages and Students with Families

Graduate students with spouses and children can bring their family to live on-campus with them. It gives them the chance to stay with their loved ones. Therefore, it helps them focus more on their studies.

These students usually stay in apartments available at the villages on campus. You can choose from one or two-bedroom apartments. There’s also a kitchen and a bathroom included. The children can also enjoy playgrounds in each village.


Rental rates are different for each location. The prices are per semester, per person and typically starts a little over $2,300. Expect that single occupancy rooms are much more expensive.

Traditional dorms are cheaper, while apartments tend to be pricier. However, apartments are often paid monthly, compared to the per semester prices of suites and dorms.

The cheapest apartment is at $484 a month, including the water, basic cable, and internet. The most expensive is at $750.

If you want to check out the accommodations available at the University of Florida, you can do housing tours. From there, you can check out the location you choose, and ask questions regarding payment and additional fees.

You can check multiple halls as the university offers a shuttle service between each building.

But, it is essential to schedule beforehand. Call the area coordinators for more information.

The UF Housing has various amenities, services, and programs that can help you live a more comfortable life on campus. These ensure you’re safe and healthy, and you get what you need the most during college.

One thing is for sure: you and even your family is safe at the University of Florida.
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