
8 Parenting Books Worth Reading

List of Parenting Books Worth Reading
Being a parent is not as easy as it looks on the surface. It comes with unique set of challenges and responsibilities. As parenting involves moulding, grooming and shaping a life, the stakes are bound to be high. After all, the way we parent has a huge bearing on the kind of person the child grows to become. More so, the way we parent often help build the opinions, world views, and beliefs of the ward.

Similarly, it’s the role of parents to guide their children on a right path, instil in them right kind of knowledge and imbibe best social practices. In a sense, a lot goes into successful parenting. And if you want improve on that front, there are some wonderful and popular parenting books to take help from. These books are sure to throw an interesting, research-based and practical peek into the concept called parenting.

These books will give your different approaches of parenting and let you contribute to the learning, growth and creativity of the child. You will get experiences felt by people from different societies in the world. So, it’d be great if you read at least some of them to see how or what parenting is all about. You can enjoy any of these parenting books:

Heart To Heart Parenting

Heart To Heart Parenting
(By: Robin Grille )
Parenting goes beyond sticking to any set formula and this is best exemplified in this enriching book. It bases the premise upon sharing a blissful bond with the child rather than going harsh. The book details how it’d a wrong parenting tactic to either punish or shame the kid. Rather, the focus should be upon understanding the emotional needs and building a trust. The dominant theme that runs through the book is to have a meaningful two-way attachment and enjoy the parenting.

The Attachment Parenting Book

The Attachment Parenting Book
(By: Dr William & Martha Sears )
As the title speaks itself, this book dwells upon creating attachment and shaping the life of the child. It encourages parents to leave out set rules and rather adopt the measure of understating specific cues or signs that the kid emits and then meet and respond them. The focus area is attachment parenting as its scientific benefits are illustrated to get home the points. Making an early attachment with the toddler and continuing with this form of parenting is what this book is all about.

Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn

Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn
(By: Kathy Hirsh-Pasek )
This is a wonderful book and sure to give you a unique set of ideas about parenting. You should read and enjoy this well-researched book, more so when you’re about to send your child to pre-school. This compelling book details how play is extremely important for child development. It shows a child learns and improves a lot at math, science or social skills etc. when the concepts are laced with game.

Different Learners: Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Your Child’s Learning Problems

Different Learners: Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Your Child’s Learning Problems
(By: Jane M. Healy )
Instilling knowledge and encouraging learning is one of vital ingredients of parenting. To make the child learn, a parent has to first understand the kind and quality of learning the kid can happily take to. And this is where this wonderful book helps as it brings to the fore learning based on genetic and triggered-ones basis. By reading the book, one can be aware of ways to nurture the brain of a child by recognizing their abilities or giving them some triggers.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
(By: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish )
It’s one of most popular books on parenting, and it’s considered a classic too. The book is extremely helpful to those parents who want to know the ways of building and nurturing communication with their kids. It also discusses ways to building a fruitful and trusting relationship with the kids, regardless of their age. From expressing anger to coping with conflicts to showing obedience, it discusses about all these topics. More so, it brings an entirely new angle to the age-old notion of punishments.

What Every Parent Needs To Know

What Every Parent Needs To Know
(By: Margot Sunderland )
Go for this book if you search for scientific studies and evidences related to child development. This books bring an entirely practical approach of parenting and stays clear of resorting to any form of fiction or spin. It’s about developing and influencing the child’s potential and bringing hands-on solutions to daily challenges. Mixing solid evidence and day-to-day realities, this book gives you an entirely new dimension of parenting and make you feel blessed.

Playful Learning: Develop Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder

Playful Learning: Develop Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder
(By: Mariah Bruehl )
Parenting involves many strands to understand and among them, taking care of the learning needs of the child holds a rich significance. This book does exactly the same as it brings to parents an approach of learning through joy. The book joins the illustrious list of theories and theses that promotes and encourages the merits of play and joy in learning. After all, fun makes kids learn more and understand better.

Toddler Tactics

Toddler Tactics
(By: Pinky McKay )
It takes a lot to be called a successful parent. As parenting can be exciting and tiring at the same time, showing patience sometimes become the key in dealing with changes that the tot faces and brings. This book is all about instilling age and development-specific manners in the kids and let them follow the parental advice. It’s about inculcating good habits in the kids and then hoping them to be familiar of the roles expected of them.


In essence, parenting is something that is less about bookish knowledge and more about practical and hands-on approach. However, there are some books that throw an interesting light on the subject and try to share real-life instances with scientific approaches and methods. These books on parenting can be helpful if best practices are learned and applied in real life. So, try picking one or two of the books from the mentioned list and gain a deep insight into the domain of parenting.

Akshay Sharma is a digital marketing enthusiast and has written many topics in the related field. He works with Jump In, which is counted among one of the Best Trampoline Park in the UK.

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  1. It's even harder to be a single parent. After my husband told me that he wanted to file for divorce in Georgia, I was shocked! Because I was counting on his support, and our child didn't even stop him. Now we have completed the divorce proceedings, we live separately. But he is not at all interested in how our baby is doing. This makes me very sad, because the child is used to the fact that dad is always there, and now he cries when he talks about him, and doesn't understand why dad left. Of course, our son is sure that he was the cause, that dad left. It hurts me to look at this, I try to give my child all my attention and love. As much as possible. Thanks for publishing, I think parenting books will come in handy one way or another.



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