
10 Best Books to Overcome Anxiety

List of Best Books to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety, the most heard form of mental disorder which our society is dealing with. Anxiety and depression are two words which we might come across daily and that is the major reason for hundreds and thousands of people to visit psychiatrists today.

It can be concluded as the main cause of drug addiction to a great extent as well. Studies show that anxiety can be cured by two different ways, firstly, you can visit some professional expert who deals with mental illnesses and he will start a complete therapy to kill your anxiety and secondly, there are lots of tips and tricks told by experts for a person with mental depression to overcome the feeling himself without taking help from any drugs or doctors.

There are innumerable books which have been written on this topic that how a person can overcome anxiety. Some of them are written in a technical way that what are the main causes of anxiety and how a specific kind of depression can be cured. Some others consist of tips which experts have told and the third type of books are those which are written about the success stories of people who have overcome the worst part of anxiety with their own self-confidence and control.

Whether these are written by themselves or someone else, the main reason behind them is to inform people that anxiety is not incurable. It is something that works deep into your mind and disturbs everything about your life but only you can control it.

It is sometimes difficult to sort out what exactly we are looking for, we are listing here the best 10 books of anxiety control which can help you if you are a victim of this mental disorder.

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
(By: David D. Burns)

Winning the best-seller at Amazon, this book tells us about the “black holes” of depression and how they can be completely cured without getting any harm through drugs and medicine.

The author of this book is a famous psychotherapist and he tells us all the great tips and scientifically proven tricks to lift one’s mood up. It’s a complete guide of having natural antidepressant without throwing yourself up on drugs.

Monkey Mind; A memoir of anxiety

Monkey Mind; A memoir of anxiety
(By: Daniel Smith )

This book is an interesting and excellent read if a single person’ s story who has been dealing with anxiety. It is his journey of life and his efforts of dealing with anxiety.

Possibly you would not found everything you need to know about anxiety but you will surely find it interesting to go through a story written in such a catchy and witty manner.

Dare; the new way to end anxiety and stop panic attack

Dare; the new way to end anxiety and stop panic attack
(By: Barry )

This book is the best read for those who want to overcome their fears and anxiety by facing them with courage. The writer has composed this book in a real comforting manner that can work wonders for those who have phobias and panic attacks.

You would know how you can see directly into the eyes of your depression and end it up forever from your life.

Hardcore Self Help; F**k Anxiety

Hardcore Self Help; F**k Anxiety
(By: Robert Duff )

As we all know that self-help material whether it is in the form of journals or books is a bit tedious and it definitely makes a reader bored so quickly. Robert Duff, a Ph.D. by qualification has written this book in such an interesting rather humorous manner as all of the readers out there are his friends and he is actually showing them how to deal with their inner demons.

Which tips can be practical in this regard and what can be the ways to just push yourself in any matter. Motivation and promising behavior is the result and if you are going through this magical book.

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
(By: Edmund Bourne )

An excellent t book on the subject of anxiety telling people about how exactly they can fight with this. Some say that if you want to cure some disease, go to the main reason of that illness and kill that reason. Same is the case with anxiety and depression.

Anxiety comes to you due to some specific reasons and you have to go to those reasons if you want to nip the evil in the bud.

Furiously Happy; A funny book about horrible things

Furiously Happy; A funny book about horrible things
(By: Jenny Lawson )

What actually is the relevance between fun and anxiety? These two words are directly opposite to one another.

He says that it is rather impossible to search for funny things about a person dealing with anxiety. This book is educational and humorous at the same time.

The Obstacle is the Way

The Obstacle is the Way
(By: Ryan Holiday )

The writer has used such a delightful manner to tell that there is a huge difference between feeling finished or dishearten or just quit living.

He says that there is always a way to get through your sadness and depression only if you have the love for your life. If you want to live, you can win the game.

Anxiety as an Ally: How I turned a Worried Mind into my best friend

Anxiety as an Ally: How I turned a Worried Mind into my best friend
(By: Dan Ryckert )

Another success story of a person dealing with severe anxiety problem; how he overcame his mental disorder, which tricks he used and how he reached a level where he became a strong public speaker.

It all consists of training he underwent and the lessons he has learned to come to that superb transformation.

What to say when you talk to your self

What to say when you talk to your self
(By: Shad Helmstetter )

Another powerful book that can be listed as a self-help book. In this excellent read, you can find the ways you must know to talk to your self and make everything possible which you have ever wanted and told your inner soul.

According to the author, a human mind is so strong that it can transform him into what he thinks and feels like. How to hold the negative things back and to put forward positive ends is the basic purpose of the discussions in this book.

What to do when you worry too much; A kid’s guide to Overcome Anxiety

What to do when you worry too much; A kid’s guide to overcome Anxiety
(By: Dawn Huebner )

Shocked? It’s a reality, not only the adults are there who deal with anxiety issues, kids also suffer because of these without even being visible to their parents. Their depression level is too severe for them that it affects their mental and social activities so badly.

Kids aging from 6 to 12 years are at a crucial stage that can be a victim of anxiety and this book is for kids and their parents to educate them about how to deal with these issues.

All of the books we have listed above are among the best-sellers and you can either find a way to end up your anxiety by reading them or you may discover the inner strength of your brain that can transform your all bad thoughts and worries to winning and powerful motivating gestures. You can find these books online as well like various coursework help Uk books and articles and get them printed by yourself if you want to find the secrets of overcoming the worst feeling in the world.

John Alex is a freelance writer, experienced blogger, and a professional social media coach. Currently, He’s working with Kingwriters which provides academic writing services. Furthermore, John assists in the business creation and control social media content planning.For further details, you may follow him on Twitter.
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  1. I have been anxious since the eight grade. It was mostly depression but it was all psychological and never physical until 4 months ago it became physical and it scarred me. I still experience it some time to time.
    In my case - books didn't help me.
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