
10 Best Books On Yoga And Meditation

10 Best Books On Yoga And Meditation

Fitness, weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, and good health; these are some of the basic benefits of yoga. Mostly people perceive the benefits of yoga are limited to the level of body, but its immense benefits offer uniting body, mind, and breath together. You must believe it if you are in harmony, the throughout the journey of life becomes calmer, happier and much more fulfilling.

In this regard, some basic knowledge plays a vital role. Since yoga is a part of the modern lifestyle these days, its roots are way back. You need to learn the history, techniques, philosophies, and concepts of the journey so far.

It is also good to know that the yoga practice that we do in our homes, parks, and some yoga studios are what was born ages ago. So the next time that you sit down to practice some yoga, it is recommended to gain some valuable information about yoga before embarking on the journey of getting fit.

Following are must-reads to check out. Not only that these books may help to understand the complex concepts of yoga but also contemplate on it.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
(By: Sri Swami Satchidananda )

Swami Satchidananda is a yogic guru who took the concept of yoga in the 60s. In his book named Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, he gave just the clear picture of sutras in the purest form by mentioning the original packages of Sanskrit. Not only that but also translations and word to word meanings as well.

The writer further breaks it down by providing some commentary on it that cuts out a clear picture of us. This book works extensively as a reference for those who are very much interested in a spiritual path. Along with giving a detail information about yoga, it educates about meditation, ethics and how to deal with everyday challenges.

Light on Yoga

Light on Yoga
(By: B.K.S. Iyengar )

B.K.S. Iyengar is a renowned yoga expert round the world. Particularly, his book “Light on Yoga” is famous for his concepts about the yoga asanas. Believe me, it is a definitive guide to the procedure, variations, and different benefits of yoga.

It is so interesting because of the story and meaning behind each asana. According to each the difficulty level of each asana, they are rated and made it a lot easier for the reader to select what is suitable for them.

The Heart Of Yoga: Developing A Personal Practice

The Heart Of Yoga: Developing A Personal Practice
(By: T.K.V. Desikachar )

T.K.V. Desikachar is one of the greatest yogis of the modern world. His father was also a well-known yogi of his time, who trained some world-renowned gurus like BKS Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and also Indra Devi. The Heart of Yoga is highly famous for developing a personal practice and covering all aspects of yoga that ensue is affecting individuals mentally, spiritually, and also physically.

According to the suitability of age, health, work, and lifestyle; it guides the reader through traditional concepts of yoga and also helps them customize the poses, meditation, and philosophy.

The Secret Power Of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide To The Heart and Spirit Of The Yoga Sutras

The Secret Power Of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide To The Heart and Spirit Of The Yoga Sutras
(By: Nischala Joy Devi )

Nischala Joy Devi is particularly a healer who empowers individuals with her concepts and teachings. She makes a profound impact on every one of them. As a student of Western Medicine, she is also an expert in blending yoga and medicine.

In her book, she gives a feminine perspective of yoga. It is a translation that speaks to the women inside each of us. Mainly, she talks about the emotional aspects and also offers some personal advice on how to embrace yoga.

Peace Is Every Step

Peace Is Every Step
(By: Thich Nhat Hanh )

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist from Vietnam. As he is an advocator of peace, the spiritual leader travels worldwide to spread the message of love and peace. He encourages non-violent solutions to conflicts. Moreover, he has established organizations that help in renovating and rebuilding of schools, health centers, and villages.

The book “Peach is Every Step” is a guide to help us recognize and understand some peaceful ways of dealing with the life situations. It is also a good source of getting advices to make the most out of every situation positively. The author enlisted the ways to be meditative in life.

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga
(By: Deepak Chopra )

The famous writer, Deepak Chopra, who gained popularity through Oprah Winfrey show by discussing his work and books, discusses the benefits and some facts about yoga in his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga.” from breathing techniques to breathing techniques and mantras, there are a lot of spiritual laws that are discussed in the book to enlighten the reader.

Yoga: The Iyengar Way

Yoga: The Iyengar Way
(By: Silva, Mira, And Shyam Mehta )

The three authors Silva, Mira, and Shyam Mehta, all are dedicated disciples of B.K.S Iyengar. Not only that, but also follow his style of yoga very much. These writers intend to extensively spread yoga all over the world, especially more so in West.

The book talks about the specific Iyengar Style of Yoga and guides the readers throughout the posture, method, and instructions of that Yoga with the help of photographs. Since the book contains 100 essential poses, it is very helpful in understanding the asana and the style.

Yoga as Medicine

Yoga as Medicine
(By: Timothy McCall )

This book is very helpful for those who are at the age of 25. No matter how excellently you take care of your body, there comes a time when you strain your back lifting some apparently weightless object.

On that extremely low days, a doctor recommends you some yogic remedies and treatments for every kind of a headache. In such times, it is advisable to pick the book up, then briefly consider going vegan on your way.

Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life

Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life
(By: Judith Hanson Lasater )

Self-study is an essential part of yoga practice. The thing is that we have to study about ourselves as well as our internal bratty faces. All of which is answered in the book “Living Your Yoga.” it is an invaluable guide that helps in learning more about oneself.

It is one in a kind of wonderful books that benefits those who are participating in practice for a while and are also ready to explore them more. The book gives an easy-to-understand advice on integrating the principles of Yoga into work, relationships, and the rest of life.

Yoga Anatomy

Yoga Anatomy
(By: Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews )

The book is best-selling guide anatomy guide for yoga. While reading it, you are able to explore the different asanas, anatomical illustrations, and also in-depth information. It is the book that provides readers with a deep understanding of structures, facts, and principles that underlay each yoga style.

In Yoga Anatomy, there is always a huge chunk of information available for everyone, whether a beginner or a practitioner for years.

Jonathan is a freelance writer, who has covered a lot of topics including technology, engineering, education, and e-commerce. His favorite range of topics include education for which he has produced a great number of contents while working for the project of Online UAE Universities.

His part time hobbies include games, swimming, and exploring the world.
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